The Others Core Box

The Others Core Box

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It’s the end of the world and the fanatics of the Hell Club have summoned the 7 Deadly Sins to lay waste to our reality. In this horror board game, one player controls one of the 7 Deadly Sins while the other players cooperate as heroes of the F.A.I.T.H. organization who will attempt to fight back!
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Category Tags , SKU ZBG-CMNSSN001 Availability Out of stock
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In The Others, the world stands on the brink of apocalypse, as the fanatics of the Hell Club have summoned the 7 Deadly Sins to lay waste to our reality. Slowly the Others have crept into our lives, corrupting society from within. The city of Haven is the key to their invasion, but it will not go down without a fight, thanks to the actions of the paranormal organisation known as F.A.I.T.H. (Federal Authority for the Interdiction of Transdimensional Horrors). Each session of The Others is played with one player controlling the forces of a single Sin, against the other players who control a team of 7 FAITH heroes. The heroes cooperate to survive the Sin's attacks and accomplish the missions set before them, while the Sin attempts to thwart the heroes in all ways (preferably by destroying them).

Heroes will die - either in noble sacrifice, torn apart by claws and tentacles, or consumed by the corruption welling up in their souls. The question is whether the FAITH team will manage to fulfil their final mission in time, or whether the Sins will reign supreme over humanity.

  • Age 14+
  • 2-5 Players
  • 90 Minute Playing Time