The Ninth World: Numenera Card Game

The Ninth World: Numenera Card Game

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The Ninth World is a card game for 1 to 5 players. It can be played competitively, cooperatively, or in solo mode. Each player plays a Nano, Jack, or Glaive. Each character is described with an adjective (“I am a learned…”), noun (“…nano…”), and verb phrase (“…who rides the lightning”). Characters will explore one of the n…
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Category Tag SKU ZBG-LSG20201 Availability Out of stock
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The Ninth World is a card game for 1 to 5 players. It can be played competitively, cooperatively, or in solo mode. Each player plays a Nano, Jack, or Glaive. Each character is described with an adjective ("I am a learned..."), noun ("...nano..."), and verb phrase ("...who rides the lightning").

Characters will explore one of the nine kingdoms of The Steadfast?or they may venture into the even stranger lands of the Beyond. Each kingdom is illustrated with a set of five region cards. Over the course of a quick five-round game, the characters will simultaneously explore the starting region on round 1, then continue out to the region on the far reaches of the kingdom. In a standard game of nine rounds, they'll then head back home on the other side of the card.