The Massive Omnibus Volume 1, (Paperback)

The Massive Omnibus Volume 1, (Paperback)

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In a post-war, post-crash, post-disaster, post-everything world, the environmental-action trawler Kapital scours the earth’s oceans for its mysteriously missing sistership, The Massive. Captain Callum Israel, a man who has dedicated his life to the ocean, now must ask himself – as our planet dies – what it means to be an environmentalist after the world’s end…
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In a post-war, post-crash, post-disaster, post-everything world, the environmental-action trawler Kapital scours the earth's oceans for its mysteriously missing sistership, The Massive. Captain Callum Israel, a man who has dedicated his life to the ocean, now must ask himself - as our planet dies - what it means to be an environmentalist after the world's ended. This omnibus collects issues #0-#15 of acclaimed writer Brian Wood's sprawling, post-apocalyptic epic at a must-own value rate. Collects issues #0-#15 of The Massive.