The Magnus Archives: Player’s Guide

The Magnus Archives: Player’s Guide

RRP: £16.99
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RRP £16.99
Expected Release Date 04/01/2025
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Unlock the mysteries of the supernatural with The Magnus Archives: Player’s Guide. This essential companion for The Magnus Archives Roleplaying Game equips players with everything they need to delve into the esoteric world of the Magnus Institute. Learn the intricacies of the Cypher System mechanics tailored for horror, explore the depths of fear and stress effects, and discov…
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Unlock the mysteries of the supernatural with The Magnus Archives: Player's Guide. This essential companion for The Magnus Archives Roleplaying Game equips players with everything they need to delve into the esoteric world of the Magnus Institute. Learn the intricacies of the Cypher System mechanics tailored for horror, explore the depths of fear and stress effects, and discover how to wield supernatural abilities. Packed with detailed lore, character creation guidelines, and tips for surviving encounters with the unknown, this guide is your gateway to the unsettling and intriguing world of The Magnus Archives.