The Magnus Archives: Character Portfolio (set of 5)

The Magnus Archives: Character Portfolio (set of 5)

RRP: 19.99
Now €21.18(SAVE 11%)
RRP €23.99
Expected Release Date 04/01/2025
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Keep your investigations organized and your characters well-documented with The Magnus Archives: Character Portfolio (Set of 5). Each portfolio in this set provides ample space to record your character’s stats, abilities, and personal journey through the archives. Designed for durability and ease of use, these portfolios are perfect for tracking the evolution of your character…
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Category Tags , SKU ZBG-MCG390 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Keep your investigations organized and your characters well-documented with The Magnus Archives: Character Portfolio (Set of 5). Each portfolio in this set provides ample space to record your character's stats, abilities, and personal journey through the archives. Designed for durability and ease of use, these portfolios are perfect for tracking the evolution of your characters as they uncover the horrors hidden within the Magnus Institute. Whether you're a seasoned investigator or new to the world of The Magnus Archives, these portfolios ensure you have all the tools you need to face the unknown.