The Lion: Son Of The Forest (Paperback)

The Lion: Son Of The Forest (Paperback)

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Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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The Primarch of the Dark Angels has returned, a questing knight in the hellish nightmare of the Imperium Nihilus on a quest to vanquish a Chaos Warband led by one of his fallen sons. The Lion: Son of the Forest by Mike Brooks will be available to pre-order soon in paperback format. It’s the first novel to explore Lion El’Jonson’s return to the 41st Millennium, and what it mean…
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The Primarch of the Dark Angels has returned, a questing knight in the hellish nightmare of the Imperium Nihilus on a quest to vanquish a Chaos Warband led by one of his fallen sons. The Lion: Son of the Forest by Mike Brooks will be available to pre-order soon in paperback format. It’s the first novel to explore Lion El’Jonson’s return to the 41st Millennium, and what it means for his Loyal sons, the Fallen, and the Primarch himself.