The Legend of Korra Pro-Bending Arena Amon's Invasion

The Legend of Korra Pro-Bending Arena Amon’s Invasion

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Amon’s Invasion is an expansion for The Legend of Korra: Pro-bending Arena. The expansion adds 3 modes to your core game. Mode 1: “And the Winner is…” is a Co-Op scenario where players join forces to fight off Amon’s Equalist forces. Mode 2: Avatar Korra (Solo Bender) lets a player be Avatar Korra and play her as a single team or incorporate her into &#…
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Amon's Invasion is an expansion for The Legend of Korra: Pro-bending Arena. The expansion adds 3 modes to your core game.

Mode 1: "And the Winner is..." is a Co-Op scenario where players join forces to fight off Amon's Equalist forces.

Mode 2: Avatar Korra (Solo Bender) lets a player be Avatar Korra and play her as a single team or incorporate her into "And the Winner is..." with another player controlling to other benders.

Mode 3: Villain: Amon (Solo Bender) lets a player control Amon and his equalist minions.