The Ladybugs' Costume Party

The Ladybugs’ Costume Party

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Each turn in the children’s game Maskenball der KƤfer, each player spins the spinner on the board. If the spinner points to one of the eight ladybugs, the player may move that ladybug to visit the others. Once a ladybug has five spots of different colors, she is ready for the ball and taken out of play. The players win if all of the ladybugs are ready. If the spinner points t…
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Category Tag SKU ZBG-PEG66001G Availability Out of stock
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Each turn in the children's game Maskenball der KƤfer, each player spins the spinner on the board. If the spinner points to one of the eight ladybugs, the player may move that ladybug to visit the others. Once a ladybug has five spots of different colors, she is ready for the ball and taken out of play. The players win if all of the ladybugs are ready. If the spinner points to one of the smaller leaves, then the player doesn't get to move any ladybugs, but instead must advance the ants along the side of the board. If all seven of the ants are on board (and each takes two moves to get on-board), the players lose. AWARDS & HONORS 2002 Spiel des Jahres Kinderspiel Winner 2002 Spiel des Jahres Kinderspiel Nominee 2002 Japan Boardgame Prize Best Childgame Nominee Ages 4 Playing time 20-30 minutes Players 2-6