The Kingdom of Heaven

The Kingdom of Heaven

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Game of several of the Crusades, 1097-1291, as Christians contest control of the “Holy Land” with the Muslims. 9 scenarios cover the military campaigns in this period including 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th crusades plus others including the Mongol invasion. Uses a deck of 110 cards adding events & special powers. 3 countersheets. 1yr/turn. S.Debrestian’12
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Game of several of the Crusades, 1097-1291, as Christians contest control of the "Holy Land" with the Muslims. 9 scenarios cover the military campaigns in this period including 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th crusades plus others including the Mongol invasion. Uses a deck of 110 cards adding events & special powers. 3 countersheets. 1yr/turn. S.Debrestian'12