The Herbalist's Notebook

The Herbalist’s Notebook

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RRP £12.99
Expected Release Date 01/04/2025
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Herbalist's Notebook! Ever wanted to have more fun with plants at your gaming table? Well, here you go: a cool notebook for your herbalist character. Here's 80 pages for you to play with: make a Herbalist's Primer of your own!

Draw all the cool plants your character encounters in the game, note down your ingenious potions, or even make it a real herbal and put some dried flowers into it! It's spiral-bound, so you don't have to worry about the extra bulk! We've also included some reference material there and a whole bunch of black and white illustrations, so you can doodle and color to your heart's content.


Space for 20 plants collected in the wild
A whole bunch of custom recipes
Space for notes, map-drawing, and coloring
We even put some dots on the pages, to make drawing squares and hexes easier.
We've also included a small guide on how to collect and preserve plants (in case you want to put all your dried four-leaf clovers inside),
As well as a bunch of useful tables and references, to cut down on time spent browsing the book.
80 pages, spiral bound notebook. Option of color cover or black and white cover to color to your enjoyment. PDF not included.