The Heart of Glorm: Mice and Mystics

The Heart of Glorm: Mice and Mystics

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A malicious presence has taken root, and it has hatched a scheme that will ensnare the Prince and his friends and will forever change the course of history for the mouse-town of Barksburg. The storybook in Mice and Mystics: Heart of Glorm picks up right after the events of Sorrow and Remembrance, letting you and your friends continue the story of Prince Collin, Maginos, Tilda, Nez, …
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A malicious presence has taken root, and it has hatched a scheme that will ensnare the Prince and his friends and will forever change the course of history for the mouse-town of Barksburg. The storybook in Mice and Mystics: Heart of Glorm picks up right after the events of Sorrow and Remembrance, letting you and your friends continue the story of Prince Collin, Maginos, Tilda, Nez, Filch and Lily. Included in this expansion are new plastic figures, cards, and counters, as well as a new series of chapters sure to test your mettle! And joining the heroes is Nere, a wild mystic who brings her powerful magic and knowledge of alchemy to the battle. What you get Mice and Mystics Board Game - The Heart of Glorm Expansion Suitability For 1 or 4 players For ages 7 years and over. Not suitable for children under 3 years old. Perfect for all ages who like to have fun Range See our website for our extensive range of Board games