The Grinch Cluedo

The Grinch Cluedo

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A timeless holiday theft is up to you to solve in this nostalgic version of the classic mystery game! Based on Dr. Seuss’s story about the grouchy green troublemaker that hijacks Whoville’s decorations, CLUEDO®: How the Grinch Stole Christmas lets players wear the shoes of Cindy-Lou, Papa Who, and other residents of Whoville to determine WHO caught “the mean one” in the act, WH…
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A timeless holiday theft is up to you to solve in this nostalgic version of the classic mystery game! Based on Dr. Seuss’s story about the grouchy green troublemaker that hijacks Whoville’s decorations, CLUEDO®: How the Grinch Stole Christmas lets players wear the shoes of Cindy-Lou, Papa Who, and other residents of Whoville to determine WHO caught “the mean one” in the act, WHAT object The Grinch stuffed up the chimney, and WHERE in the town it was taken from!