The Ghosts Of Barak-Minoz - Paperback

The Ghosts Of Barak-Minoz – Paperback

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Expected Release Date 01/02/2025
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Drekki Flynt has found himself in trouble once again, drawn into a new adventure after the previously presumed dead crewmate Evtorr has returned, pursued by assassins from Ulgu and raving about the fabled Dead Air. A mysterious area rumoured to be the last known location of the famed treasure-filled city Barak-Minoz, the mention of Dead Air gets Drekki’s attention… but first, he…
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Drekki Flynt has found himself in trouble once again, drawn into a new adventure after the previously presumed dead crewmate Evtorr has returned, pursued by assassins from Ulgu and raving about the fabled Dead Air. A mysterious area rumoured to be the last known location of the famed treasure-filled city Barak-Minoz, the mention of Dead Air gets Drekki’s attention… but first, he has to navigate the Eye of Testudinous and live. Guy Haley’s novel The Ghosts of Barak-Minoz is available to pre-order in paperback format next week.

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Drekki Flynt has found himself in trouble once again, drawn into a new adventure after the previously presumed dead crewmate Evtorr has returned, pursued by assassins from Ulgu and raving about the fabled Dead Air. A mysterious area rumoured to be the last known location of the famed treasure-filled city Barak-Minoz, the mention of Dead Air gets Drekki’s attention… but first, he has to navigate the Eye of Testudinous and live. Guy Haley’s novel The Ghosts of Barak-Minoz is available to pre-order in paperback format next week.