The Dark Eye: Gods of Aventuria Card Set

The Dark Eye: Gods of Aventuria Card Set

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This card pack contains 616 cards of Gods of Aventuria. It contains all the liturgies and ceremonies with their liturgical enhancements, as well as all the new Advantages, Disadvantages, and Special Abilities. In addition, all the liturgical enhancements of the Core Rules. This pack also includes all the new Ceremonial artifacts from Gods of Aventuria.
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Category Tag SKU ZBG-ULIUS25642E Availability Out of stock
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This card pack contains 616 cards of Gods of Aventuria. It contains all the liturgies and ceremonies with their liturgical enhancements, as well as all the new Advantages, Disadvantages, and Special Abilities. In addition, all the liturgical enhancements of the Core Rules. This pack also includes all the new Ceremonial artifacts from Gods of Aventuria.