The Art of DOOM: Eternal

The Art of DOOM: Eternal

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Witness DOOM Eternal! This epic volume explores the art and development of the hotly anticipated sequel to the 2016 Game Award-winner for Best Action Game! Explore the twisted demonic invasion of Earth, the cultist UAC facilities, and plunge into the otherworldly and unknown locations new to the DOOM universe. Admire the dangerous glimmering edges of the Slayer’s arsenal and a…
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Category SKU ZTP-9781506715544 Availability Backorder
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Witness DOOM Eternal! This epic volume explores the art and development of the hotly anticipated sequel to the 2016 Game Award-winner for Best Action Game! Explore the twisted demonic invasion of Earth, the cultist UAC facilities, and plunge into the otherworldly and unknown locations new to the DOOM universe. Admire the dangerous glimmering edges of the Slayer's arsenal and armor. Dissect the chaotic viscera of Hell's soldiers and lords - all in gloriously designed full color images straight from the files of the game's artists themselves!