The Art of Battletoads

The Art of Battletoads

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Drop into vibrant illustrations of the game’s heroes, villains, and environments that evoke nineties cartoon nostalgia! Hop in and race through a wealth of production materials from early concept art to finely tuned combat and mission structure throughout late development stages. This book is filled to the brim with unique development insights and also revisits the franchise&#…
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Category SKU ZTP-9781506729275 Availability Backorder
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Drop into vibrant illustrations of the game's heroes, villains, and environments that evoke nineties cartoon nostalgia! Hop in and race through a wealth of production materials from early concept art to finely tuned combat and mission structure throughout late development stages. This book is filled to the brim with unique development insights and also revisits the franchise's classic titles, which informed an all new, battle-ready era of 'Toad!