The Army Painter Warpaints Set: Metallic Paint Set

The Army Painter Warpaints Set: Metallic Paint Set

RRP: 22.99
Now €26.43(SAVE 5%)
RRP €27.99
Expected Restock Date 01/01/2025
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From terrifying guns to magic armor, jewelry to treasure chests—this paint set has you covered! These 8 metallic Warpaints come in 18 ml dropper bottles, perfect for administering the right amount of paint for your miniatures. The light, creamy viscosity of these acrylic metallic Warpaints is perfect for miniatures, large and small, and they mix perfectly with each other for any v…
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Category Tags , , SKU ZWG-WP8043 Availability Backorder
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From terrifying guns to magic armor, jewelry to treasure chests—this paint set has you covered!

These 8 metallic Warpaints come in 18 ml dropper bottles, perfect for administering the right amount of paint for your miniatures. The light, creamy viscosity of these acrylic metallic Warpaints is perfect for miniatures, large and small, and they mix perfectly with each other for any variation you might want. They contain heavy pigment for superior coverage!