Terrors of London: The Reptile Tomb Expansion

Terrors of London: The Reptile Tomb Expansion

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The Victorian Noble pledge includes 4 new Overlords, all of which that use the terror token mechanism. This allows the Overlords to accumulate power for variable effects. It also features more monsters, relics, and starting cards to allow players to play up 2-4 players. Contents: 4 new overlord cards 12 new monster cards 16 new influence cards 3 new relic cards 10 cultist & 6 fa…
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The Victorian Noble pledge includes 4 new Overlords, all of which that use the terror token mechanism. This allows the Overlords to accumulate power for variable effects. It also features more monsters, relics, and starting cards to allow players to play up 2-4 players.


4 new overlord cards
12 new monster cards
16 new influence cards
3 new relic cards
10 cultist & 6 fanatic cards
4 acolyte cards
24 terror tokens
2 additional health markers
4 health marker cubes
2 more reference cards