Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ultimates Action Figure Leonardo 18 cm

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ultimates Action Figure Leonardo 18 cm

RRP: 69.51
Now €80.11
RRP €82.99
Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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Cowabunga, dudes! Super7 is proud to announce the debut of the Ultimate Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles! Each 7-inch articulated deluxe TMNT action figure is lavishly painted and features a massive cache of weapons and interchangeable accessories. Each figure come with an alternative set hands for highly posable play and display, plus a fully loaded weapons rack. Each figure will also come with a PAINTED set of rack accessories in addition to an UNPAINTED set still on their rack.

Leonardo, the wise leader of the TMNT, comes with:

- Alternate head
- Fist Hands (2)
- Gripping Hands (2)
- Expressive Hands (2)
- Open Communicator
- Closed Communicator
- Pizza Slice
- Katana (2)
- Kama
- Turtle Fist Dagger (2)
- Sai (2)
- Ninja Stars (2)
- Unpainted Weapons Rack includes: Kama, Turtle Fist Dagger (2), Sai (2) and Ninja Stars (2)

It will also come packaged in a deluxe slip case-style box.