Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting Reborn

Tal’Dorei Campaign Setting Reborn

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Tal’Dorei Campaign Setting Reborn is the definitive sourcebook for bringing the locations, people, creatures, and character options of Critical Role’s Tal’Dorei continent to roleplaying games everywhere. Set two decades after the conclusion of Critical Role Campaign 1, this book invites you to soar on a skyship from the metropolis of Emon to the distant haven of Wh…
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Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting Reborn is the definitive sourcebook for bringing the locations, people, creatures, and character options of Critical Role's Tal'Dorei continent to roleplaying games everywhere.

Set two decades after the conclusion of Critical Role Campaign 1, this book invites you to soar on a skyship from the metropolis of Emon to the distant haven of Whitestone, venture into wilderness rife with terrifying monsters and wayward mages, and uncover magic items that range from simple trinkets to the legendary Vestiges of Divergence. Explore dazzling new subclasses and backgrounds in your epic adventures in the world of Exandria and beyond! Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting Reborn holds a wealth of playable content, lore, and artwork to inspire. The adventure begins here!