Pathfinder RPG: Taldor The First Empire Campaign Setting

Pathfinder RPG: Taldor The First Empire Campaign Setting

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The first-and at one point, largest-empire in Avistan after devastation of Earthfall, Taldor has stood for millennia, and though its neighboring nations snicker at its lavish parties and out-of-touch nobility, none dare challenge the mother empire’s might! With 6 millennia of history spanning the breadth of a continent, Taldor is a land of long-buried secrets and ruins, partne…
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The first-and at one point, largest-empire in Avistan after devastation of Earthfall, Taldor has stood for millennia, and though its neighboring nations snicker at its lavish parties and out-of-touch nobility, none dare challenge the mother empire's might! With 6 millennia of history spanning the breadth of a continent, Taldor is a land of long-buried secrets and ruins, partnered with modern cutthroat dramas and political action. Secrets and treasure abound across Taldor-many forgotten, but far more deliberately buried.