Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG - Suns of Fortune: A Sourcebook for the Corellian Sector

Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG – Suns of Fortune: A Sourcebook for the Corellian Sector

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Suns of Fortune is a 144-page sourcebook for the Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Roleplaying Game that allows players and Game Masters to explore the many fantastic opportunities and dangers found within the Corellian Sector the birthplace of Han Solo and Wedge Antilles. Suns of Fortune features extensive details on multiple Core Worlds three new species exotic weapons dozens of vehic…
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Suns of Fortune is a 144-page sourcebook for the Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Roleplaying Game that allows players and Game Masters to explore the many fantastic opportunities and dangers found within the Corellian Sector the birthplace of Han Solo and Wedge Antilles. Suns of Fortune features extensive details on multiple Core Worlds three new species exotic weapons dozens of vehicles nine modular encounters that Game Masters can use in any Edge of the Empire campaign and more!