Strike Force Box (Sci-fi) - empty

Strike Force Box (Sci-fi) – empty

RRP: £16.90
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RRP £16.90
Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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Category Tags , , SKU WAH-SAFE-SFB01SE Availability Backorder
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Presented product is empty Strike Force Box stylized as a science fiction space ship.

The box is made of 5-layered stiff cardboard entirely covered by a plastic foil. It has 2 Velcro attachments to prevent unwanted opening of the box.

The box allows for the storing and carrying a set of foam up to125mm high.

Intenal dimensions of the box:394 mm x 267 mm x 125 mm.

External dimesions of the box:412 mm x 275 mm x130 mm.