Strategy & Tactics Quarterly #13: Gettysburg

Strategy & Tactics Quarterly #13: Gettysburg

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Expected Release Date 01/02/2025
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Gettysburg: High Tide or Desperate Gamble? Gettysburg (1-3 July 1863) has achieved near-legendary status among Civil War aficionado and non-history buff alike. The story covers not three days but three months, involving decision-making at the highest governmental levels as well as action by quick-thinking individuals on the battlefield. Christopher Perello takes another plunge into …
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Gettysburg: High Tide or Desperate Gamble? Gettysburg (1-3 July 1863) has achieved near-legendary status among Civil War aficionado and non-history buff alike. The story covers not three days but three months, involving decision-making at the highest governmental levels as well as action by quick-thinking individuals on the battlefield. Christopher Perello takes another plunge into these deep waters, examining how the campaign and battle came about, how they progressed as they did, and how one or both might have turned out differently.