Stranger Things x Transformers Action Figure Code Red

Stranger Things x Transformers Action Figure Code Red

RRP: £47.84
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RRP £47.84
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The worlds of Transformers robots and Stranger Things collide with the Stranger Things x Transformers Code Red mash-up pack! The iconic Surfer Boy pizza van from Stranger Things is now a Transformers robot! This figure converts from robot mode to show-inspired licensed Volkswagen Vanagon alt mode and features screen-accurate deco and details. This pack comes with show-inspired accessories including a bat, axe, Surfer Boy pizza blaster, and pizza box accessories, plus a blast effect. Transformers robots have always been -- More Than Meets the Eye -- but now, through the Transformers Collaborative, fans can experience these larger-than-life characters as they team-up, mash-up, and meet up with other characters, teams, and people who share this same special quality.