Lord of the Rings LCG: A Storm on Cobas Haven Adventure Pack

Lord of the Rings LCG: A Storm on Cobas Haven Adventure Pack

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Time is short. See! The beacons of Gondor are alight, calling for aid. War is kindled. See, there is the fire on Amon DÃn, and flame on Eilenach; and there they go speeding west. -Gandalf, The Return of the King. Brave the Paths of the Dead, battle the Corsairs at Pelargir, and stand fast against the Witch-king and the armies of Mordor during the Battle of the Pelennor Fields! The …
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A Storm on Cobas Haven is the fifth Adventure Pack and the penultimate chapter in the Dream-chaser cycle for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game. After crossing the seas, fighting off Corsairs and sea monsters, and then navigating the treacherous jungle paths of an island infested by undead, several of Middle-earth's heroes return to Dol Amroth - only to find the city threatened by a Corsair fleet. Now, in the scenario from A Storm on Cobas Haven, these heroes must lend their strength to the defense of Dol Amroth and its fleet. It's a nautical battle like no other as your heroes have to demonstrate their newfound mastery of the Sailing test as well as their prowess in ship-to-ship combat. Fortunately, as you fight your way through dozens of Corsairs and their Ships, you'll gain the aid of Dol Amroth, as well as that of a talented new Tactics hero. Additionally, you'll find thirty new player cards (three copies each of ten different cards), many of which reinforce the Dream-chaser cycle's focus on powerful allies and secondary effects that can be paid for by the group as a whole.