Stonesaga Core Box

Stonesaga Core Box

RRP: £120.00
Now £119.99
RRP £120.00
Expected Release Date 01/01/2025
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Stonesaga is a cooperative, campaign style, survival crafting board game set in a unique, persistent world shaped by your choices. It is designed by Max Brooke (Star Wars: X-Wing 2nd Edition, Legend of the Five Rings RPG) with Luke Eddy (Star Wars: Legion). Generational Storytelling In Stonesaga, you unfold the epoch-spanning story of the people of a remote glacial valley, guiding …
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Category Tags , SKU ZKS-STONESAGACORE Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Stonesaga is a cooperative, campaign style, survival crafting board game set in a unique, persistent world shaped by your choices. It is designed by Max Brooke (Star Wars: X-Wing 2nd Edition, Legend of the Five Rings RPG) with Luke Eddy (Star Wars: Legion).

Generational Storytelling
In Stonesaga, you unfold the epoch-spanning story of the people of a remote glacial valley, guiding multiple generations of characters who make a life there amidst harsh conditions, wondrous mysteries, and giant monsters.

Each game session covers one generation of people within a society, continuing from the last and permanently changing the valley in various ways based on in-game events and the players’ decisions.

Cooperative Survival
Stonesaga follows a certain rhythm: faced by a new opportunity or crisis, the people of the valley must meet their society’s new needs. Meanwhile, the valley’s other inhabitants – immortal beasts – will seek to fulfill their own needs as their instincts dictate. You will have to navigate both sets of challenges, using might, dexterity, conviction, and awareness to survive as a tribe in the wild.

Crafting & Building
Stonesaga introduces a completely new discovery based crafting mechanic. Do you think that a sharpened stone and stick could combine to create a spear? Use the crafting action and find out. You will need to discover the properties of various crafting materials as you expand your crafting “recipe” knowledge.

Work together as a community to build your village together. From a simple fire pit and tent to a forge and library, create a civilization that lasts the generations.

Exploration & Discovery
Stonesaga rewards exploration and chooses to let you experience the world in a unique way each play session. Working on the established rules of the world, you will discover unique materials, monsters, and areas of the world that you won’t be directed towards. Stonesaga lets the curious and inquisitive thrive.

Designed for drop-in, drop-out play and flexible playgroup availability, Stonesaga can be played by one group from start to finish, played with a rotating cast, or even passed between groups seamlessly. Components are sometimes permanently altered, but never removed or discarded entirely.