Stoner Loonacy

Stoner Loonacy

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Stoner Loonacy is a rapid fire card game in which players race to be the first to empty their hand by matching one of two images on each card in their hand with the images on the face-up piles in front of them. The number of piles varies depending on the number of players, and if players ever reach a moment in which no one can play, everyone draws a card and adds it to their hand at…
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Category Tags , SKU ZBG-LOO422 Availability Out of stock
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Stoner Loonacy is a rapid fire card game in which players race to be the first to empty their hand by matching one of two images on each card in their hand with the images on the face-up piles in front of them. The number of piles varies depending on the number of players, and if players ever reach a moment in which no one can play, everyone draws a card and adds it to their hand at the same time, then the game play resumes. 2 - 5 Players 5 - 10 Min Playing Time Age: 18