Stephen McCranie's Space Boy Volume 2 (Paperback)

Stephen McCranie’s Space Boy Volume 2 (Paperback)

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To Amy, everyone has a flavour. Jemmah, her best friend from the colony, is the flavour of pineapple and jalapeno. Cassie, from Earth, is like red pepper. After being forced to leave her space-colony home when her dad was fired, Amy starts to adapt to a new life on Earth. High school seems difficult at first, but a close group of friends begin to make the transition easier for her. …
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To Amy, everyone has a flavour. Jemmah, her best friend from the colony, is the flavour of pineapple and jalapeno. Cassie, from Earth, is like red pepper. After being forced to leave her space-colony home when her dad was fired, Amy starts to adapt to a new life on Earth. High school seems difficult at first, but a close group of friends begin to make the transition easier for her. At the same time, Amy finds herself fascinated with a mysterious boy named Oliver, the only person Amy has yet to be able to place a flavour for.