Stealth 300P Gaming Headset

Stealth 300P Gaming Headset

RRP: $69.99
Now $89.23
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The Turtle Beach Stealth 300 is the latest amplified stereo gaming headset for PlayStation 4. The Stealth 300 gaming headset delivers powerful game and chat audio through large 50mm over-ear speakers and Turtle Beach’s renowned high-sensitivity flip-to-mute mic. For added durability and unmatched comfort, the Stealth 300 dawns a metal-reinforced frame with Turtle Beach’s…
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Category Tags , SKU VEX-TBS-3350-02 Availability Out of stock
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The Turtle Beach Stealth 300 is the latest amplified stereo gaming headset for PlayStation 4. The Stealth 300 gaming headset delivers powerful game and chat audio through large 50mm over-ear speakers and Turtle Beach's renowned high-sensitivity flip-to-mute mic. For added durability and unmatched comfort, the Stealth 300 dawns a metal-reinforced frame with Turtle Beach's unique ProSpecs glasses friendly design, along with a breathable fabric-wrapped headband and memory foam ear cushions. Additionally, the Stealth 300 offers Variable Mic Monitoring so you can hear and adjust the volume of your voice inside the headset to avoid shouting at other players, plus audio presets including Bass Boost, and a rechargeable battery that delivers over 30-hours of gaming per use.

The Turtle Beach Stealth 300 is the latest amplified stereo gaming headset for PS4 and PS5 offering gamers an abundance of features, including powerful 50mm over-ear speakers, Turtle Beach’s renowned high-sensitivity flip-to-mute mic, a metal-reinforced headband, Turtle Beach’s exclusive ProSpecs glasses friendly design, breathable fabric-wrapped memory foam ear cushions, and audio presets including Bass Boost.