Star Wars: Legion - Inferno Squad Expansion

Star Wars: Legion – Inferno Squad Expansion

RRP: £39.99
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RRP £39.99
Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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Tasked with protecting the secrets of the Empire by silencing any who would reveal them, Inferno Squad is a special forces unit led by the brilliant command Iden Versio. Among the elite ranks of the Imperial special forces, Inferno Squad is particularly notorious for its unconventional tactics, but its efficacy is undeniable. This expansion adds seven finely detailed, unpainted Impe…
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Category Tags , SKU ZBG-FFGSWL69 Availability Backorder
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Tasked with protecting the secrets of the Empire by silencing any who would reveal them, Inferno Squad is a special forces unit led by the brilliant command Iden Versio. Among the elite ranks of the Imperial special forces, Inferno Squad is particularly notorious for its unconventional tactics, but its efficacy is undeniable.

This expansion adds seven finely detailed, unpainted Imperial Special Forces miniatures to your collection—enough for two distinct units—along with seven upgrade cards that invite you to kit them out for battle. In addition to the standard Special Forces troopers, you can also assembe Inferno Squad members Gideon Hask and Del Meeko miniatures with or without their signature helmets.