Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: The Old Republic Vol. 5

Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: The Old Republic Vol. 5

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The Old Republic draws to a stunning conclusion! As the Sith overtake the galaxy, a group of brave Jedi continue hit-and-run missions - but Jedi Knight Kerra Holt's first mission goes horribly wrong. Now, Kerra intends to liberate as many innocents as possible - and find the truth about her missing family in the process! But could she be the only hope to stop the Sith from completel…
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The Old Republic draws to a stunning conclusion! As the Sith overtake the galaxy, a group of brave Jedi continue hit-and-run missions - but Jedi Knight Kerra Holt's first mission goes horribly wrong. Now, Kerra intends to liberate as many innocents as possible - and find the truth about her missing family in the process! But could she be the only hope to stop the Sith from completely crushing the Republic? Then, discover the origins of the Sith rule of two, one master and one apprentice, as Lord Hoth's Army of Light face the Brotherhood of Darkness in a bid to end the galactic conflict once and for all! Collecting: Star Wars: Knight Errant (2010) 1-5, Star Wars: Knight Errant - Deluge (2011) 1-5, Star Wars: Knight Errant - Escape (2012) 1-5, Star Wars: Jedi vs. Sith (2001) 1-6, material from Star Wars Tales (1999) 16