Star Wars Edge of the Empire RPG: Special Modifications (Edge Studio Edition)

Star Wars Edge of the Empire RPG: Special Modifications (Edge Studio Edition)

RRP: £27.99
Now £27.16
RRP £27.99
Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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Special Modifications brings new specializations and signature abilities to the Technician career. Its 96 full-color pages also include new playable species and copious amounts of gear, including cybernetics, slicing tools, construction tools, and remotes. Finally, the book contains detailed guidelines for crafting devices, weapons, and droids of your own invention, as well as new s…
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Special Modifications brings new specializations and signature abilities to the Technician career. Its 96 full-color pages also include new playable species and copious amounts of gear, including cybernetics, slicing tools, construction tools, and remotes. Finally, the book contains detailed guidelines for crafting devices, weapons, and droids of your own invention, as well as new slicing actions and expanded rules for running slicing encounters in your roleplaying adventures.