Star Wars Edge of the Empire RPG: Roleplaying Dice (Edge Studio Edition)

Star Wars Edge of the Empire RPG: Roleplaying Dice (Edge Studio Edition)

RRP: £17.99
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RRP £17.99
Expected Restock Date 01/01/2025
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Contains a complete set of fourteen custom dice for Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Unique icons allow players and GMs to quickly determine the success or failure of actions in the game Unique dice pool mechanic introduces multi-dimensional results Adds advantages and threats to successes and failures Ages 14 +
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Category Tags , , SKU ZBG-ESSWR02EN Availability Backorder
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Contains a complete set of fourteen custom dice for Star Wars: Edge of the Empire
Unique icons allow players and GMs to quickly determine the success or failure of actions in the game
Unique dice pool mechanic introduces multi-dimensional results
Adds advantages and threats to successes and failures
Ages 14 +