Star Wars Child Feature Plush

Star Wars Child Feature Plush

RRP: $59.99
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Fully embrace the cuteness of the 50-year-old Yoda species with this adorable 11-inch plush toy that includes motion and sound features. He may look like a Baby Yoda, but this lovable creature is referred to as “The Child.” Inspired by the Disney+ live-action series, The Mandalorian, this sweet Star Wars plush toy makes a Force-sensitive addition to any fan’s colle…
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Fully embrace the cuteness of the 50-year-old Yoda species with this adorable 11-inch plush toy that includes motion and sound features. He may look like a Baby Yoda, but this lovable creature is referred to as "The Child." Inspired by the Disney+ live-action series, The Mandalorian, this sweet Star Wars plush toy makes a Force-sensitive addition to any fan's collection.