Star Wars Age of Rebellion RPG: Stay on Target (Edge Studio Edition)

Star Wars Age of Rebellion RPG: Stay on Target (Edge Studio Edition)

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The first book-length rules supplement for the star wars: age of rebellion roleplaying game, stay on target focuses on expanding the ace career, making it more versatile and allowing your ace characters to hone their talents to all-new levels! you’ll find three new ace specializations, as well as new signature abilities, playable species, star fighters, modifications, and equipmen…
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The first book-length rules supplement for the star wars: age of rebellion roleplaying game, stay on target focuses on expanding the ace career, making it more versatile and allowing your ace characters to hone their talents to all-new levels! you’ll find three new ace specializations, as well as new signature abilities, playable species, star fighters, modifications, and equipment. While the new rules and materials in stay on target may focus on the ace career, they also offer new options for any character looking to master a star fighter, vehicle, or alien mount.