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RRP £11.00
Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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There is no Fantasy Village without animals – Give your horses a rest. This construction will add more possibilities to create various scenarios! Dimensions: height: 5,2″ width: 10″ thickness: 5,2″ You will get 1x Stable and 1x Hay Feeder Constructions are made of HDF, UV Printed (double-sided), and modular and you can assemble them without glue. Check th…
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Category Tag SKU ZRAP-5902643195073 Availability Backorder
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There is no Fantasy Village without animals - Give your horses a rest.

This construction will add more possibilities to create various scenarios!
Dimensions: height: 5,2" width: 10" thickness: 5,2"

You will get 1x Stable and 1x Hay Feeder

Constructions are made of HDF, UV Printed (double-sided), and modular and you can assemble them without glue.

Check the related products section and other Fantasy Village & Fantasy Battlegrounds products!