Spit Three Times (Paperback)

Spit Three Times (Paperback)

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Guido and his pals are rebels without a cause, living in a rural town in a forsaken corner of the Italian countryside turned peripheral wasteland, they spend their days trying to get high as a way to forget about the bleak hopelessness around them. Nearby live the Stancic, a family of Romani who escaped the communist regime of Marshal Tito and settled there just after World War II. …
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Guido and his pals are rebels without a cause, living in a rural town in a forsaken corner of the Italian countryside turned peripheral wasteland, they spend their days trying to get high as a way to forget about the bleak hopelessness around them. Nearby live the Stancic, a family of Romani who escaped the communist regime of Marshal Tito and settled there just after World War II. Running parallel to the protagonist's coming-of-age is the evolving relationship that the rural town has with this group of outsiders.