Star Wars Destiny: Spirit of Rebellion Booster Box
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This is a rebellion, isnt it? Jyn Erso, Rogue One The Star Wars saga has always centered on the timeless struggle between good and evil. At different points throughout the saga, evil may be lurking in the shadows or controlling an oppressive, galaxy-spanning Empire. Yet there must always be balance in the Force, and whenever the dark side rises, a spirit of rebellion begins to light the way forward. With the new Spirit of Rebellion Booster Pack for Star Wars: Destiny, 160 brand-new cards enter the game, incorporating elements from every movie in the saga, but with a special focus on the newest Star Wars movie: Rogue One. Youll find plenty of characters from Rogue One within this set, including Jyn Erso, Chirrut Îmwe, Mon Mothma, and Director Krennic, alongside other iconic characters from across the Star Wars story. The spirit of rebellion has ignited, so prepare to bring the feverish battles and kinetic action of Rogue One to your games of Star Wars: Destiny! Every booster pack includes five randomized cards and one premium die, broken down into three common cards, one uncommon card, and one rare or legendary card with a corresponding die. All cards that feature a corresponding die are either rare or legendary cards. With every booster pack, youll find new characters, supports, upgrades, or events, along with new ways to enter the Star Wars galaxy and fight for your chosen side!

It is your Destiny!
If you are reading this, I am going to assume that you already know a bit about Star Wars Destiny. For those who don’t, here is a very quick recap! It is a two-player card and dice-based battle game. One player plays as the heroes, the other as the villains. You use your card’s powers to deplete your opponent’s health. Last player standing wins. Simple, and very fun!
I won’t say too much more on the base game, I’m just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe and there is a great blog already on the game page for Star Wars Destiny: A Two player Game for you to read. All I will add is that the base game has 20 cards per player. You can pay with 20, but you are allowed up to 30. So you will want some more cards to get this up to full fighting strength.
And let’s be honest. A huge part of the game is selecting your cards to start with. You want some choice. This selection process and initial; deck building element is a lot of fun. The more choice the merrier, so why not get a 36-booster pack!
There are several booster packs, all in themed sets. After Awakenings, Spirit of Rebellion was first full expansion to the game. It offers some exciting new ways to play such as being able to boost your attack points. But most importantly, brought in new characters such as Obi-Wan Kenobi, Chewbacca and a fair few from the Rouge One story. But Chewie! Need I say any more? RAWRGWAWGGR!

“Power! Unlimited power!”
In this booster box, you get 36 separate sets of five cars, each with one dice. That’s 180 new cards to add to your collection. And let’s be honest! The biggest thrill in a collectable card game like this, is opening a pack to see what you have inside! That thrill of discovery is something else. I love opening a new game for the first time. The excitement to see what is inside and learning how each part plays. Here you get to do that 36 times!
Ok. Let’s tackle the collectable elephant in the room. Collectable cards games are a brilliant, but also expensive hobby. “An object cannot make you good or evil.” Buying in separate packs can really add up. These collections of 36 sets is a great way to quickly upgrade your arsenal in a cost-effective way and satisfy the urge for more for a long while.
Getting to open 36 different packs is a real thrill! Seeing what is inside each one, finding a rare card, or character you really wanted is a brilliant and quite unique experience to collectable cards games. It is something I would encourage you try out if you don’t currently have a collectable card game in your board game collection.
Now don’t get me wrong. I am fully aware that collectable card games get a bit of stick for being money grabbing, but I couldn’t disagree more. It can add up for sure, but only if you want them all. I see no difference in this and any other game with expansions, adds on, upgrades etc. Sure, in this one, the ‘add ons’ are a lot, but you don’t need them all, you just want them! And like I say, these booster boxes are a great way to do that. But you want them don’t you? It consumes you! Go on, give yourself to the dark side.

36 Birthdays!
Opening each pack is a joy! There are a mixture of events, upgrades, supports, characters and locations where you can set your battles.
You may get some doubles, but that’s perfect for swaps or trading! And some cards can be used on both hero and villain sides. But in my set of 36 I only had a few doubles. I guess that’s luck of the draw, which is part of the magic of collectable card games like this.
The box is designed to sit on the counter of a store. It has an opening on the front where you can easily pull one pack out at a time for single purchase. But here, you have them all in your house at once! Remember those times as a child when you were collecting Panini football stickers for the 1990 World Cup in Italy? (Or the equivalent of your own interests!) This is like that! But you get to go to the store 36 times. And each time its free! And your mum never tells you off for asking again for more stickers. When all you need is Gary Lineker to complete England. And all your mates have done that. And your friend Lee has two Lineker’s but he won’t swap with you…
Sorry. So, Star Wars. Right yes. This game is so fun! The collecting is a huge part of the experience. And this is a great set to start with. If you have the base game, I would highly recommend it.

“In my experience, there is no such thing as luck!”
Obi-Wan was somewhat dismissive about luck, but maybe he can manipulate the dice rolls with the force? Who would have thought this mighty Jedi master was a cheat! The reality is, there is a fair bit of luck in any game with dice. For me though, I’d say, never tell me the odds! The genius of Star Wars Destiny is you can manipulate your own luck by building your deck. Finding the right cards that pair together well, and then executing that in a game is a brilliantly satisfying experience.
If you have the base game, then this is a great next place to go and I would encourage you to boost your card collection before they run out. This game is not being supported by Fantasy Flight anymore as they focus on other games, so prices are set to rise. Do, or do not. There is no try.
Zatu Score
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- Opening 36 packs of cards!
- Finding some of your favourite characters.
- Building upon your favourite fighting deck.
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- Chance for some doubles.
- Its addictive! Can you ever stop?