Spider-verse/spider-geddon Omnibus

Spider-verse/spider-geddon Omnibus

RRP: $104.50
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Expected Restock Date 01/03/2025
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Two epic tales of multiversal madness in one spider-filled Omnibus! It begins with the Inheritors – a family of killers working their way through the realities, leaving a trail of dead Spider-people in their wake! Peter Parker, Miles Morales and Jessica Drew are joined by Spider-Men, Women and Girls from across the worlds in an interdimensional battle for survival! If any of t…
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Category Tags , , SKU ZTP-9781302947422 Availability Backorder
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Two epic tales of multiversal madness in one spider-filled Omnibus! It begins with the Inheritors - a family of killers working their way through the realities, leaving a trail of dead Spider-people in their wake! Peter Parker, Miles Morales and Jessica Drew are joined by Spider-Men, Women and Girls from across the worlds in an interdimensional battle for survival!

If any of them get out of this alive, will they be ready for the Spider-Geddon to follow? Iconic heroes and amazing new champions unite as things go from badto Spider-Verse!