Space Odyssey (5000 pieces)

Space Odyssey (5000 pieces)

RRP: £74.99
Now £59.55(SAVE 20%)
RRP £74.99
Expected Restock Date 01/03/2025
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This beautifully illustrated view of the System combines fact with imagination. The lower part of the design shows us the order of the planets, detailing the mass and distance from the sun of each, and adding in details of the various moons. The main image is an imaginary view of the planets with added visions from our night sky, including the Crab, Helix and Dumbbell Nebulae and Pl…
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This beautifully illustrated view of the System combines fact with imagination. The lower part of the design shows us the order of the planets, detailing the mass and distance from the sun of each, and adding in details of the various moons. The main image is an imaginary view of the planets with added visions from our night sky, including the Crab, Helix and Dumbbell Nebulae and Pleiades. Also included are images of different spacecraft, such as Soyuz, Galileo, Voyager 1, the International Space Station and the Space Shuttle. This challenging design is a great way to escape worldly concerns and discover some of the mysteries of space. Our 5000 piece jigsaws are crafted with FSC premium quality and measure 153 x 100cm when complete. Great for Adults and ideal puzzles for Children 12 years old and up. Fully complies with all necessary UK and EU testing standards.