Space Marines Masters of the Chapter

Space Marines Masters of the Chapter

RRP: 20.50
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To be a Chapter Master is to be a god amongst men. His personal combat prowess is unmatched, for his body is that of a Space Marine, with all the might and endurance that a scion of the Emperor is heir to. Hundreds of years of battlefield experience as a Scout, Space Marine and Captain have taught him every facet of war, trained him in the tools of slaughter and honed his wits to th…
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To be a Chapter Master is to be a god amongst men. His personal combat prowess is unmatched, for his body is that of a Space Marine, with all the might and endurance that a scion of the Emperor is heir to. Hundreds of years of battlefield experience as a Scout, Space Marine and Captain have taught him every facet of war, trained him in the tools of slaughter and honed his wits to the level of instinct. On occasion, when the might of the Chapter is drawn up in a single confrontation, the headquarters staff will fight together as one, near-unstoppable squad with an unrivalled mix of tactical acumen, advanced weaponry and elite weaponry.

This pack contains four Masters of the Chapter - a finely detailed resin cast kit that comes in eighteen components, and is supplied with four Citadel 25mm Round bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and requires assembly - we recommend using Citadel Super Glue and Citadel Paints.