Snowden (Paperback)

Snowden (Paperback)

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As many as 1.4 million citizens with security clearance saw the documents revealed by Edward Snowden. Why did he, and no one else, decide to step forward and take on the risks associated with becoming a whistleblower and then a fugitive? In the graphic biography, Snowden, Rall delves into his life, work experience and personality and the larger issues of privacy, new surveillance te…
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As many as 1.4 million citizens with security clearance saw the documents revealed by Edward Snowden. Why did he, and no one else, decide to step forward and take on the risks associated with becoming a whistleblower and then a fugitive? In the graphic biography, Snowden, Rall delves into his life, work experience and personality and the larger issues of privacy, new surveillance technologies and the recent history of government intrusion. It's a portrait of a brave young man standing up to the most powerful government in the world.