Smash Up: Munchkin

Smash Up: Munchkin

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Smash Up: Munchkin brings you eight entirely new factions: Warriors, Clerics, Mages, Rogues, Orcs, Dwarves, Elves, and Halflings, each with their own unique style of play. Not only that, but Smash Up: Munchkin also introduces two entirely new card types: Monsters add to the breakpoint of bases and provide new challenges for your minions. But they also reward… Treasures, which add …
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Smash Up: Munchkin brings you eight entirely new factions: Warriors, Clerics, Mages, Rogues, Orcs, Dwarves, Elves, and Halflings, each with their own unique style of play.

Not only that, but Smash Up: Munchkin also introduces two entirely new card types: Monsters add to the breakpoint of bases and provide new challenges for your minions. But they also reward? Treasures, which add new minions and actions to your deck, giving you all new effects outside of your normal faction combos.