Slap It!

Slap It!

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Expected Restock Date 01/03/2025
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A portal to another dimension has opened, and monsters are pouring out. What do you do when you encounter a monster? Slap it! In Slap It!, players race to be the first to slap the correct monster, but that’s not always as easy as it seems. With new monsters coming out of the portal, and the dice changing the rules, you need to stay on your toes and be lightning fast — and if…
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Category Tag SKU ZBG-RGS0525 Availability Backorder
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A portal to another dimension has opened, and monsters are pouring out. What do you do when you encounter a monster? Slap it!

In Slap It!, players race to be the first to slap the correct monster, but that's not always as easy as it seems. With new monsters coming out of the portal, and the dice changing the rules, you need to stay on your toes and be lightning fast — and if you see a monster coming, slap it!

The player with the dice rolls them within view of all players. The dice will refer to one of the face-up cards on the table. The first person to slap the correct card takes it, and a new card is turned face-up from the deck to replace it. The dice are then passed to the next player in clockwise order, and the same process is repeated.

When only two monster cards remain on the table, the game ends. Players count up the monster cards that they have taken, and the player with the most cards wins. In the event of a tie, the tied player with the single highest monster card wins.