Sky Team Turbulence Expansion

Sky Team Turbulence Expansion

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In Sky Team: Turbulence, terrible weather conditions and technical incidents will be the order of the day for your landings. Take your seat in the cockpit and test your skills in 20 scenarios that are even more demanding! Turbulence introduces new rules and new modules, such as Turbulence, Low Visibility, and Alarms, that will add depth and diversity to your Sky Team base game. Now…
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In Sky Team: Turbulence, terrible weather conditions and technical incidents will be the order of the day for your landings.

Take your seat in the cockpit and test your skills in 20 scenarios that are even more demanding! Turbulence introduces new rules and new modules, such as Turbulence, Low Visibility, and Alarms, that will add depth and diversity to your Sky Team base game.
Now boarding for such wonderful destinations as Beijing, Madrid, Warsaw, Sydney, Cape Town, Kiev, and Saint Martin.

Hang on to your seats. It is going to be a bumpy ride!

Turbulence is an expansion for the co-operative two-player game Sky Team