Skarlock Commander

Skarlock Commander

RRP: £13.25
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Skarlocks serve as extensions of the will of the lich lords and other generals of Cryx, and skarlock commanders are no exception. Reanimated to command simpler mechanithralls and bile thralls at the behest of their masters, skarlock commanders harvest the souls of those they slay. Soldiers assailed by a skarlock commander and its thralls are tormented by the sight of their comrades …
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Category Tag SKU ZWCS-PIP34104 Availability Backorder
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Skarlocks serve as extensions of the will of the lich lords and other generals of Cryx, and skarlock commanders are no exception. Reanimated to command simpler mechanithralls and bile thralls at the behest of their masters, skarlock commanders harvest the souls of those they slay. Soldiers assailed by a skarlock commander and its thralls are tormented by the sight of their comrades brutally slaughtered, only to have their souls used as fuel to power the commander?s dark magic.