Sins RPG Manifest Destiny

Sins RPG Manifest Destiny

RRP: $35.00
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America lies silent and empty; a vast wasteland, its people scattered and hunted. As far as the people of the East Coast know, they are the only survivors – the last bastion of humanity in a dying world – but they are wrong. The darkness is passing, and humanity is far more resilient than they imagine. Yet as a new America looks to rebuild itself after the Fall, old powers are s…
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America lies silent and empty; a vast wasteland, its people scattered and hunted. As far as the people of the East Coast know, they are the only survivors – the last bastion of humanity in a dying world – but they are wrong. The darkness is passing, and humanity is far more resilient than they imagine. Yet as a new America looks to rebuild itself after the Fall, old powers are stirring and the human evils of Old America are re-emerging.