Silke (Paperback)

Silke (Paperback)

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As a participant in a secret CIA experiment, agent Sandra Silke's genetic structure is altered, giving her the ability to morph her appearance to almost any form she can imagine. But when she discovers what the Agency has in mind for her and the handful of other agents who have undergone the treatment, Sandra rebels. Now on the run, framed for murders she didn't commit, and struggli…
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Category Tag SKU ZTP-9781569716670 Availability Backorder
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As a participant in a secret CIA experiment, agent Sandra Silke's genetic structure is altered, giving her the ability to morph her appearance to almost any form she can imagine. But when she discovers what the Agency has in mind for her and the handful of other agents who have undergone the treatment, Sandra rebels. Now on the run, framed for murders she didn't commit, and struggling with powers she can barely control, Sandra Silke must go on the offensive against her former bosses before the government of the United States is destroyed from within!