Shockwave Countdown - DVD

Shockwave Countdown – DVD

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American sci-fi drama directed by Nick Lyon. Geophysicist Kate Ferris (Stacey Oristano) becomes convinced that the latest wave of storm activity is the result of a seismic weapon that has the potential to wipe out humanity. However, her advice falls on deaf ears and she is forced to team up with estranged husband Rob (Rib Hillis) in order to save the world.
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American sci-fi drama directed by Nick Lyon. Geophysicist Kate Ferris (Stacey Oristano) becomes convinced that the latest wave of storm activity is the result of a seismic weapon that has the potential to wipe out humanity. However, her advice falls on deaf ears and she is forced to team up with estranged husband Rob (Rib Hillis) in order to save the world.